Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Science and Writing

READALOUD - Trumpet of the Swan (3 Chapters)

SCIENCE - Watched a short documentary about birds and their mating habits. It was interesting.

WRITING - Krystal wrote about her favorite bird (not surprisingly it was a swan). Clarissa worked with Amber to make a book about different kinds of birds. I helped Jared work on his second draft of his Beowulf essay. That took a long time, but it is starting to be really good.

PRESCHOOL - Amber played with shape blocks making designs and exploring patterns. Then I gave her a tub of rice filled with hidden objects that she had to dig around in and find the objects. All the girls thought this was fun.

LUNCH - We had Couscous and Lentil Soup. The Couscous reminded us of Camp Kookooskoos from The Trumpet of the Swan and the Byzantines used to eat lentil soup.

MORE SCIENCE - When left to their own devices kids will sometimes do amazing things. Like when all four of them decided to spend their lunch break testing out Bernoulli's Principle of Flight on a whole box on paper airplanes that Jared has collected. They had a great time together trying to figure out which airplanes flew the furthest and why.
MATH - Clarissa continued to work on multiplying by 5's. Krystal and I talked about Symmetry as she was building symmetrical patterns with the shape blocks. All three girls worked on counting play money.

OTHER WORK - Everyone practiced their spelling lists, and read with me.

HISTORY - We listened to the chapter about the Byzantine Empire from Story of the World on the way to Tutoring for Clarissa and Jared's first Soccer game.

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